Copyright & Privacy
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All material published (with permission) in the various Galleries has been generously provided by the creators / owners (the modellers) of the layouts and models represented . Copyright is applicable to this material including photographs taken by the modeller. Where photographs are included that are not specifically credited these are the property of the Modeller.
In the case that material has been included from a 3rd party (e.g.photographs) then the Copyright rests with the originator of that material. The modeller supplying the information carries the responsibility to seek and gain written permission from the owner of 3rd party material for publication on this web site.
If there are instances where content is not correctly credited and/or permission has not been granted to use such content please contact the Webmaster by email as indicated above.
BRMA respects Copyright -
The material published on the BRMA Web Site has been provided by Members of BRMA.
Names and other details that relate to individuals have been suppressed to assist Privacy. Layouts and models, however, do indicate the Australian State and the BRMA Membership Number that can be used to facilitate interaction between Members.
However, Members have the right to have their names made public on an "opt-in" basis.
Should you wish to have your name displayed with your layout and/or models please contact the Webmaster via email - see above.
Similarly, if an article mentions the names of others that, for example, may have helped with the building or operations, etc., of a model then the creator of the article should 'clear' the use of those names with the people concerned. These names are generally shortened to First Name + Initial of Surname to facilitate privacy for publication on the web site but if full names are desired then explicit permission should be sought from those people.
BRMA respects Privacy -