1 Photo 1 - The cider press buildings evolved from a ‘screen shot’ I took when Googling for ‘North Somerset farm houses’ |
 2 Photo 2 - The walls were cut out of thick, quality card and placed loosely together to see if it felt right |
 3 Photo 3 - The rest of the walls were then cut out and door and window openings created as per the coal office |
 4 Photo 4 - Creation of general rough stone walling |
 5 Photo 5 - Shows the use of overlapped thin card to simulate the wooden weatherboards and Redutex for the end wall and central brick building |
 6 Photo 6 - A further stage ... the figure used initially for a guide to door height is shown, albeit too fancily dressed for a farmer! |
 7 Photo 7 - The completed building |