VIC - 0678 - GC CD Railway Co - Synopsis

VIC - 0678 - BRMA British Layouts "GC & CD Railway Co" - Synopsis



GC & CD Railway Co.



The GC&CD Railway is a timetable operation layout based on an fictitious location on the LNER and BR eastern region which has run every Wednesday evening since 1982.


Construction of the current layout commenced in March 2004 and occupies a room 6.5 m x 3.1m located within the house. 


The layout has 4 Stations in a point to point system. The Mainline starts at the main terminal station St.Davids then travels on to Dannyville, Cherylvale and finally on to Chrisford the other terminal station.  A narrow gauge railway which starts at Richards Siding and runs up to the Coal Mine at Hartnett. This railway brings the coal down from the Coal Mine to an interchange with the GC & CD Railway Co. at Richards Siding near Cherylvale.  There is also a Tramway to serve the people of Cherylvale


Layout operation can be by conventional DC or DCC with a Digitrax Super Chief with Raspberry Pi interface to Smart Phone or Tablet.


Rolling stock is a mixture of LNER and BR Steam and up to1980's Diesel traction. You can find us on the web at: