NSW Layout - 0801 - Newton - Planning Sept 2017

NSW - 0801 - BRMA British Layouts "Newton" Big-4 pre-nationalisation DCC 4mm/OO 1:76

Model Railway Layout September 2017


Layout Name Newton Why because I am an engineer and deeply respectful of this physics giant. Also, a Wikipedia search lists this as the most common town name in the UK. As I want to run all four groups (pre1948) it suits my purpose.

Aim: To run LNER, LMS, GWR and SR passenger, parcels, freight and recovery trains. Such trains to have a wide range of formations but with general realism (except when grandkids want Thomas the Tank). Accuracy to be improved by research and a little help from my friends. Basically, an industrial and suburban scene with passenger’s services with a background of a calming/contrasting country scene.

Use up the collective of kits & proprietary buildings that I have acquired in the last 20-30years. Only buy more new where buildings cannot be scratch built from available materials or available second hand on eBay.

Having fun for myself, family and BRMA members. Rivet counters need not apply as the track gauge is wrong, no sound effects, cows don’t moo, cars/trucks/buses wont drive around and people don’t walk.

Specific Requirements:

·         A continuous 2 track circuit in 00, with storage for 7 full length trains. Passenger trains to be 5-6 coach. Main layout 2440mm x 5800mm, storage 4600mm x 600mm.

·         A motive power depot (MPD) equipped 4 road shed with pits, turntable, coaling stage and ash plant. Access from both ends of through terminus.

·         Goods yard with facility to assemble trains

·         Hydrocarbon storage tank farm and load out to rail tankers

·         Through terminus with 2 island platforms local to MPD. Access by subway rather than footbridge.

·         Industry served by road and rail to be developed after track laying completed

·         Signal boxes

·         Signalling at some stage

·         Turnout operation by servo motors and Megapoints controllers Turntables main layout powered Peco LK55 and storage layout Fleishmann. PSX-AR to be used for DCC requirements to switch polarity.

·         Incline limited to 1.5%

·         Radius on mainlines 900mm and lesser services 600mm

·         Track Peco Code 75, points electroform large radius on main layout and medium radius on storage. The latter to use up existing stock. Use of curved points where possible to provide visual enhancements. Catch points deployed on goods sidings. All roads in terminus considered as used by passengers thus not needing catch points.

·         Height of layout 1200-1300mm

·         Control DCC NCE Power Pro Radio and tethered handsets. PSX short circuit protection based on geographical location rather than services. Mimic panel equipped with push buttons and LEDs (Probably Megapoints).

·         Baseboards to be 2440 long to suit 9mm thick marine ply sheets. Maximum width 600mm for single side access and 1000mm for dual side access. Baseboards to be demountable but not designed for exhibition. Dowels to be used at all joints. Baseboards to be sealed to prevent warping. Access to wider sections from both sides in central well. 3mm cork below track.

·         Location: Garage

·         Back scene 1200mm high. Already have a printed PVC scene of Devon that is 1.5m high and 8m long. Low relief buildings to effect.

·         Goods shed with road access

·         Level crossing with servo operation (eventually)


·         Control by cab control, as in operators. Single operation but up to six (6) at a time

·         Wharf and crane load-out

·         As few trees, as possible, with no grass except to highlight lack of maintenance.

·         Roads to provide realism of access to industry and interface with rail

·         Lighting of buildings

·         Breakdown crane siding

·         Signal boxes

·         Hidden track cameras

·         General lighting for work environment and subdued lighting for operation

·         Track cleaning by automated vehicle (Dapol, CMX or scratchbuilt)

·         All landscaping to be subdued, weathered and not to be toy like.

·         Keep cost below $5,000

·         Cloth to cover the untidy mess below baseboards.

·         Leave room for my darling wife’s car. NB Already planning sale of large car and have bought a micro car, with her full agreement.

·         Documentation to cover build and maintenance. Electrical documentation for fault finding and upgrade.

·         No diesels or electric motive power

Not Considered Important

·         Keep cost below $5,000

·         Sound or smoke from locos

·         Block detectors

·         Computer control

·         Running to timetable

·         Exact copy of a site

·         Faller operating motor vehicles

·         On layout programming track